Brave Roots
Children who know about their family's roots are more resilient and tend to be better at weathering life's ups and downs. That is why it's important to tell your stories. Isn't that what moms and grandmothers have always done? Then keep on doing it long after they are too big to sit on your knee! Bite sized stories for littles, stories that grow as children do. This is just one of the small and simple things that has the power to strengthen and help children find their own path through those who came before. In addition, we feel a deep connection with another person when we listen to them tell a story! (Source: Speaker-listener neural coupling underlies successful communication.”Greg J. Stephens, Lauren J. Silbert, Uri Hasson.)
These stories are more likely to be remembered when you have a visual, a peg doll of Granny Ruthie or a peg pic of Grandpa Gary helps remind us of the heroes we are related to! Sharing a story of a family member's positive moment or how they bounced back from a difficult one, is a simple yet powerful way to say “They did hard things and I can too!” read more about Brave Roots here